Anna university colleges rank list 2018 , Pass percentage

Since few years anna university releases its affiliated colleges ranking based on their performance as per the pass percentage of students, it is released some times before the counselling mainly for helping students to choose a good colleges as per their rank list and to avoid the poor performing institutions. Since some engineering colleges have poor infrastructure, facilities, poor teaching and low students, professor ratio etc and due to this students studying in these institutions are performing poor in end semester examinations.

We advise every students who are ready for getting engineering college admission in tamilnadu state to check Anna university colleges rank list 2018 to know the good colleges in your region and choose the best one because institution which you select for studying particular course play main role in your career.

Anna university pass percentage

This year performance report of anna university colleges was released on june 2017, two reports are available based on nov / dec 2016 exams and april / may 2016 exams. Some colleges have pass percentage in single digits, it is highly recommended to avoid these institutions.  It is best to avoid colleges which are repeatedly giving pass percentage just under 40%.

In India Tamilnadu only have more engineering colleges , as per the details issued by the AICTE for the year 2018 -2019 there are 523 engineering colleges in the state. Followed by this Maharashtra have 372 engineering institutions and in the other states colleges are present in low numbers when comparing tamilnadu and Maharashtra.

So it is very challenging for parents and students to select the correct college in this big number, By visiting the college in person for checking infrastructure , checking details about the college in online, collecting details from previous batch students they are able to find the quality of institution only upto certain level so students and parents requested the Govt to release Anna university pass percentage before the admission process but it was not accepted then a case was filed against it and as a result of this court ordered to release the rank list before admission to Anna university.As per this court order the university has been releasing the performance report since 2014-15.


2018 – 19 admission students can check nov dec 2016 & April May 2016 reports in determining the institutions, it was released officials in the anna university official website here we have given the direct link for checking it. Not simply check one semester report check both files and determine the quality of education.

Click here to download Anna university affiliated college performance report – Nov / Dec 2016 | April / MAy 2016.

The above report gives details of number of students appeared for particular exam , among which how many are passed, its Pass percentage, TNEA counselling code of that college and its district.

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