Annamalai university time table April May 2018 / DDE UG PG semester exams

Annamalai University has tensed the campus atmosphere a bit as it proposes to finally make the time table of the upcoming semester examinations public. The exams are predicted to be held during April May 2018. The exact dates of various exams is yet to be declared. Within no time ,the official news about Annamalai university April May 2018 time table  will now be released for the students, here you can check details like when it is going to be available and how to download it from the in clear explanations.

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About the University

One of Asia’s largest public residential universities , Annamalai University has since it’s formation been a high reputed educational centre. Being well reputed and a leader in distance learning, the university exams have always been in the limelight. It is now high time for all students of the university, in whichever disciplines they may be, to limit their concentration only towards sincere studies.

annamalai university nov dec 2015

Annamlai university DDE 2nd, 4th, 6th semester exam

Recent rise in the need to achieve a degree through distant education, due to various reasons has made Annamalai one of the most sought after universities in South-India. Also, if the case regular or on-campus students is judged, the modern infrastructural facilities have always been in regards. Hi tech computer labs also put students of the related discipline in par with the modern facilities. All this  along with the variety of courses offered  adds up to the fact of a huge number of students graduating from the university in different fields and continuously exceeding in their work quality. Below steps exactly says how to get Annamalai university time table April May 2018, the image given here is only for illustration purpose and the current semester link will appear in the menu only after the official announcement.

Checking procedure for Distance education / Regular courses

  • Go to the university website by simply clicking on it
  • Then click on Academics and check Annamalai university “Exam time table” and files are listed faculty wise
  • Then click on the course which make the dates sheet download into the disk
  • DDE and regular candidates have separate portals so choose as per your category.

1st 2nd and 3rd year B.A,, B.lit,, B.Ed, M.A,, Msc, MBA, MCA and other degree Exams have always been a platform for self evaluation and to bring forward one’s own capabilities. Thus, students are advised not to start their preparations just in the nick of time but to be consistent and punctual. Course wise preparation and proper time management  as per the schedule will surely result in better outcomes.

annamalai university time-table

Examinees should not in anxiety go beyond the course material that has been provided as the syllabus. The university, as always will try it’s level best to ensure that the question papers are set to cover all topics evenly and follow the syllabus guidelines as declared.

If any examinee has any doubt regarding the exam conduction or is eager to be informed more, then the following link should be checked for more details

{Not Declared for most degree courses – check below links}

Click here for 1st 2nd and 3rd year college going candidates

Click here for distance education courses time table

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