The Tamil Nadu employment exchange opens the online registration for all those who are willing to register themselves under the organization so as to get jobs as per their qualifications.
Employment exchange is one of the most successful scheme of the government to empower the working sector as well as to provide work to the youths of the country, that they deserve. For this the individual is supposed to register with the employment exchange. They are required to fill in their information and academic qualifications viz, PG, UG, diploma etc. They can also submit their resume which contains the relevant details and work experience, if any.
A noticeable feature of the Tamil Nadu state exchange program is that now registration can be done online and there is no need to visit the Tamil Nadu Department of Engineering and Training (DET). Even those who have since the past been a member can renew their account over the internet. The Tamil Nadu employment exchange has shown a significant change in the employment of the youths and those who deserve the jobs. It has helped many people to secure their future by providing them with respectable jobs. It has proved to be a very useful idea by the government so far. There are lot of tutorials are also available in youtube you may also refer them but for the users who have slow internet connection it is a best way.
Tamilnadu Employment Exchange Online registration 2018
As lot of users are doing it for the first time they are searching the tutorials about how to complete it successfully in online, so we have presented a step by step tutorial here which can be very helpful for you incase you are searching online for this procedure.
- Go to from any updated internet browser, in the index page you will see following elements in the left side of the website.
- Next window is all about the terms and conditions of tnvelaivaaippu website which is shown in english and tamil languages, read them carefully and click on “I agree”.
- Now “candidate registeration form ” will be loaded on your screen in which it asks all your personal details enter them carefully, some fields like name can’t be reeditable after you save the details so check for any mistakes before giving the final submit.
- After giving the personal details you have to enter Qualification details , technical, diploma, certification course details and the other skills.
- In qualification you can add HSC, SSLC and degree courses like B.Ed, TET, B.Litt and graduation in arts, science, commerce, management, physical education, tourism, hotel management etc.
- Option for adding qualification is available right under the profile details, screenshot of it is shown below.
How to register professional courses online?
For registering professional courses such as Engineering, Doctorate, AMIE, All india Bar exam and so on candidates need to use chennai or madurai exchange, they are available in the index page right under register number tab after you logged in successfully.
If any person wants to register under the program, he/she must also fill the details of their educational qualifications. It should be ensured by everyone that the data submitted has to be genuine. Any fault with the marksheet or incorrect details is found then the applicant shall be reliable. Also everyone should first check the rules and regulations to check the problems that may otherwise appear. The employment exchange provides easy registration and renewal processes that can be done at it’s official web portal. The web portal as mentioned above is
Click here for tnvelaivaaippu online registration 2018.
What to do if tnvelaivaippu website not work?
Some times tnvelaivaaippu website may give issues like not login, giving not found error, cant loading. Just wait for few minutes or hours and try after some time because it may be due to temprorary server issues.