Tamilnadu Old age pension scheme application Muthiyor pension Eligibility

Old age pension scheme in Tamil Nadu:

To serve and help the elders who are suffering from financial inability to survive even in the presence of blood relations, Tamil Nadu Government has enacted the TN old age pension scheme and amended it.

Helpless elders:

Those individual who are living without husband or wife, or living without the support of blood relations or children and more than 60 years of age are known as helpless elders. A pension amount of Rs. 1000/- is issued to each and every eligible elder, the Tamilnadu Old age pension scheme 2021 helps lot of elders for surviving without the help of anyone.

How to apply?

Any male or female who are aged, more than 60 are prone to approach the Taluk office and get the application form filled in then submit it to the respective official along with the address and age proof.

Application for the Muthiyor Pension scheme is attached at the end of the article before that please check the eligibilities required for getting it.

Tamilnadu Old age pension scheme Eligibility

Age proof:

According to Tamil Nadu Government, approved medical practitioner is eligible to issue the age proof certificate. He is supposed to issue it in certificate form. However, a copy of ration card and election identity card is needed despite of the former certificate. This is in active to avoid malpractice in receiving age proof certificate. Because there are many under aged person are trying to misuse the benefit of the scheme.

Address proof:

Address proof certificate can be issued by the members of Lok sabha and Rajya sabha, members of legislative assembly, mayor of the city, municipal officer, municipality counselor, chairman of village panchayat, manager of old age home, all the central and state government officials, etc . In order to make any corrections or alterations in the given address proof it is necessary to be obtained from the Taluk office alone.


Application form for old age pension with the required documents is sent to village administrative office from the Tahsildar office. The VAO is supposed to verify whether the given proof is true or not and then sent back the application.

Pension amount:

Once the application along with the documents are verified by the village administrative officer for the Muthiyor (Old Age) pension scheme, it is sent to the revenue inspector for further verification and based on recommendation of the revenue inspector the officials of the Taluk office will issue the order for remitting the old age pension of Rs. 1000/- to the respective applicant till the death of the same. This pension amount is transferred by means of money order via postal department.

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