Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU) marks the upcoming winter for conducting it’s next round of examinations. Students under various degree programs will be made known about the rtmnu time table according to which the exams will be conducted, once released.
RTMNU, previously known as the Nagpur University is best known for the variety of courses it offers. Various degree programs are not limited to the traditional courses, viz. engineering and medical studies, but continuous efforts are made to bring arts and linguistics to a better platform through providing rigorous study programs.
RTMNU start announcing the schedules
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Board name: rtmnu
semester: backlog and 1st 3rd 5th & 7th sem
link for getting time table updates: click here
It is a good news for every students of the university that nagpur university already planned to start announcing rtmnu time table winter 2018 soon for the majority of courses and it may available very for each and every courses. It will be announced in upcoming days. For all the students who are ready to sit in the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th semester and write practical / theory exams in october, november and december months this update can be very useful.
Various Indian regional languages are also offered which is a significant step towards conservation of national culture and heritage.For its quality education the university had also been grouped under the top universities of India.Efforts are continuously made to uplift the standards up to the next platforms by the time the university hits a century in 2023.Spanning for nearly a hundred years the university has not moved a bit from its resolution of providing a suitable education to the youths of India.Well established campus and highly trained faculty aids to the regular and steady growth of the great institution.The university has been registered as an autonomous body and affiliated under the University Grants Commission (UGC).
RTMNU exam date notification
Significant number of engineering colleges have also been registered under RTMNU. The institute also focuses on expansion plans to reach out to even a larger number of students than the present to provide everyone with equal education facilities. So B.E, B.tech and all other degree courses students like Bcom, MBA, MCA, Bsc, Msc, etc are looking for exam notice now, follow the below given link for all the details.
As of the pattern of the upcoming exams, the examination papers will be as they have always been and as per the guidelines the examinees have/ will be given.Not to mention the syllabus boundaries will be strictly followed.Setting papers so as to achieve student satisfaction has always been the prime motive.As of now no changes are supposed to occur in the cautiously planned schedule, but If any ,in case is needed to be made ,aspirants will be informed.Also they are advised to make regular checks regarding the rtmnu winter 2018 time table.
when we find rtmnu time table winter 2018 updates from officials we will notify you through this above linked page.
If any change regarding the schedule is encountered they are requested to co-operate and to prevent any kind of disorder as the university plans what is best for them.Only that information or notification which has been officially released should be considered.Any other data regarding the university can be accessed at www.nagpuruniversity.org .