Shivaji University, a prestigious board in the state of Maharashtra will be conducting it’s next semester exams during the months of March, April, May 2018. The university has decided to release the date schedule of the upcoming examinations within a few days. The Shivaji University 2018 time table march april will be displayed at the college’s notice board as well as published at the official web portal of the college once released.
About the university
It is well known for it’s academic level and no information other than it’s own name itself is required for promoting the institution’s prestige. Every college under the university is highly looked up to and every year Lot’s of students dream of getting admission in a college under the board.Since it’s formation in 1962, It has provided the nation it’s highy valued services in the field of eduction, sports,etc.The Board offers education in various disciplines as per the interest of the student in both undergraduate as well as postgraduate levels.
distance education Exam dates
Semestral exam schedule declaration was a much awaited event for the distance education and regular students, to plan their daily routine. UG and PG – B.A, Bsc, Bcom, M.A,, B.Ed, engineering exam time table are looked by the students the board has already started announcing the schedule and it will be available to all one by one, check our site regularly for the details, This release will surely tighten up the daily life of the students after the easy going summer breaks.
Also the college has made it’s mark in various playground activities by adding a number of success stories in various games to it’s records.It has also participated and won various programs organized at various levels. All about Shivaji University time table 2018 April May can be found by following the below procedure.
Check unishivaji exam schedule details in this page
As of the exams, the syllabus must have been told to the students. If any examinee is unaware of the course then he/she may visit the academic department or consult their respective subject teachers. Even though any change in the proposed schedule is not anticipated, but every student should welcome any changes that may arise due to various reasons, whatsoever.
Download shivaji university time table – click here [has been announced]
Thus, it is highly recommended that everyone should regularly keep themselves in knowledge regarding any notifications in concern with any amendments. time table details will be presented here then and there, bookmarking this page will help you to know more details.