Tamil nadu chief minister health insurance scheme (maruthuva kapitu thittam) cmchistn
Tamil Nadu government has extended the benefits of chief minister’s health insurance scheme under the name extended benefits of medical insurance scheme. The main motto of this scheme is to safe guard the poor and illiterate people from the fatal health risk. Maintenance of life saving drugs is introduced in this scheme, increased or extended medical facilities or treatment for fatal diseases, post natal medical treatment for infants is also extended. These factors favor the up gradation of medical insurance scheme.
Risk coverage:
Risk coverage of 1 ½ lakh is recommended for certain acute or life challenging diseases. Each and every family is eligible to cover 1 lakh per annum which means 4 lakhs for 4 years is the beneficiary risk coverage under this scheme. Around 1,016 diseases are covered under this scheme which includes the treatment for the diseases affecting the infants.
Detection of diseases:
113 regular treatment and 23 different techniques of detecting the diseases were also included in this scheme. There is eligibility of acquiring insurance in the absence of surgery and also eligibility to claim insurance for undergoing clinical and pathological test related to diagnose the diseases. This ensures a deep consideration of the government of Tamil Nadu about the civilians of their constituencies.
The tamilnadu chief minister health insurance scheme announces the claim of insurance from the previous day of the admittance to the hospital, period of admittance for the treatment in the hospital and till five days after discharge from the hospital i.e. post operative treatment period. During this period, the total amount charged for treatment, pathological tests, etc are claimable which will be a great relief from financial burden for the poor and illiterates.
Insurance card will be issued for each and every family and right from the time if insurance the family will be under risk cover and can seek for the treatment to most of the fatal diseases in government and government aided hospitals and also in certain accredited and affiliated private hospital without any initial deposit.
Official website for details regarding TN govt health insurance scheme, procedure for claim , hospital list etc: cmchistn.com
Maruthuva Kaapitu thittam helpline
Call toll free number line 1800 425 3993 any time to get free details about the Tamil Nadu chief minister health insurance scheme.