Now a days it is very easy for the peoples to get most certificates and documents just by apply online, In this list Encumbrance Certificate can also be obtained from online very easily. It is not needed to wait in registrar office for weeks to get encumbrance certificate as it can be received online very easily by giving some details.
For the peoples who wish to buy properties next to documents such as patta chitta and property documents Encumbrance Certificate is also necessary as it give details of property owners. It is considered as one of the important document for buyers because it give details about that who are all purchased that property, the names of persons who owned the property, whether it is kept as mortgage in banks or finance companies and more
Peoples who wish to purchase properties ask for Encumbrance Certificate to confirm whether the land or property is in the name of seller, before the implement of online system peoples waited for days and weeks before the registrar office for getting it but now it can achieved within some time.
What is the procedure for getting certificate online?
- Just visit the below given tamilnadu government website link and give answers to some questions asked in that page.
- Finally click submit for generating details online.
- You have to give your personal information, choose the sub registrar office of your district & zone, then select EC history period (starting and ending date).
- Finally provide property details such as survey and sub division and other asked information
- Then give some other details such as declared owner name, father name etc and submit the application form.
- Encumbrance data availability dates will varies depends upon zone, for most regions details are available from 1987 or earlier 90s.
Click here for EC document search / view.
Click here for Encumbrance Certificate online application 2017.
If you want to check or search these details then you can use the document search link given above, the above two links gives complete details regarding the tamilnadu encumbrance certificates and hence check those links if you are in the requirement of these things. hosts details regarding this which is maintained by the tamilnadu government officials, we have given the direct link of the same in above.