The Private candidates hall ticket 2016 march for the Tamil Nadu state board examinations for the ongoing year is now about to be released by the directorate of government examination. The TN private HSC / SSLC hall ticket march 2016 will be available on the official website of the board from where it can be downloaded. Students need to provide their application form number and other details in order to access the document. A hard copy of the 10th/ 12th hall ticket should be taken and it should be kept carefully to be presented during the exam. Without this document no student shall be permitted to give the exam. Any details on the hall ticket should be corrected in time before the exam.
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Boards are one of the most crucial phase of a student life. These decide the future of any individual to a very large extent. Thus what is required is that they need to be given after preparing well. The course should be fully covered and then it should be revised. A blue print of the exam paper is very helpful in scoring well. It contains a briefing of how many question of how much marks will be appearing from a given chapter. This helps in deciding the amount of time that is to be spent on a particular topic. The state of mind of an individual before an exam should be completely free from any sort of tension. Over stressing one’s mind is always harmful and can affect the performance drastically.
How to download the admit card?
- March 2016 public exam Hall ticket will be published only in the tndge website, which is linked in the below text, so simply click over it.
- Now HSE private candidate hall ticket is listed there, select it and wait till opens completely.
- Now it will ask you to choose exam type then to enter Application number and Date of birth.
- Enter the correct details and click on submit, once you done this process the required document will be generate online with option to take print out of it from online, you may also take soft copy of it for printing it later during your convenient time.
Click here to download
The TN HSC SSLC private hall ticket 2016 will be available soon and thus the website should be visited regularly. For any problems students need to bring them in official notice in sufficient time in order for them to be solved. Good marks can only be achieved of there is a zeal to perform above normal and if exams go well, it will lead to the foundation of a strong career.