TNDTE is Tamil Nadu Directorate of technical education. The directorate offers courses diploma in polytechnic and in Engineering. Currently, there are 464 polytechnic being offered by the directorate. These cater to the students providing them diplomas, post diplomas and certificate courses in Engineering and Technology. There are ten other institutes offering Catering and Hotel Management that ranges for a span of three years. Are you looking intradote tndte 2017 time table Oct then read this post further.
Admission to the respective programs requires basically a pass in the higher secondary examination. Lateral entry scheme for those who hold the ITI certificate is also available. Admissions to these courses are called for in the month of May. This year admission was conducted successfully and lot of students chosen diploma education some percentage of students were joined in direct second, for all those candidate tndte exam date updates are available here.The examinations being held by the institutes are divided into two the odd and the even semesters. Once the examination for the odd semester is complete the classes for the next consecutive even semester begins.
The time table for the examination to be held in the month of Oct Nov will be released very soon for the students which is available for students through this page.
For all the students who are very eagerly waiting to know the intradote time table 2017 can keep on watching this page and we are ready for updating all those details here.
Semester | 2nd sem | 4th sem | 6th sem |
Exam time table | Not Available now | Not Available now | Not Available now |
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It will be available at very first and then it will be displayed by all other websites, We try to give all the details regarding it like when it is going to be available, where to download it online and tndte time table are ready for to get published in the online, so students can start waiting for it.
[su_note note_color=”#defffa” text_color=”#3e3e3e”] tndte time table Oct 2017 – not available now
check for checking exam schedule releasing dates on official website