To claim the desired seats available in various reputation institutions for engineering in the state of Tamil Nadu, is a challenging the task. The Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA) is the procedure through which lakhs of students in the state of Tamil Nadu get admission to the engineering colleges. The TNEA cut off marks are a major criteria for the candidate to move forward with the proceedings and claim a seat in the engineering colleges. The cut off marks can be effectively calculated by the marks obtained by the student in the Tamil Nadu board exams. The board exam results thus play an influencing role not just up to passing out of the school but also in helping students get admission into a well-known and well reputed college.
The rule for calculating the TNEA 2016 cut off marks are as follows:
A = Marks in Mathematics/2
B = Marks in Physics/4
C = Marks in Chemistry/4
From these the cut off marks can be obtained by taking the sum of A, B and C.
Thus an individual can know about his/her cut off marks. Those with high cut off marks will be provided counselling for choosing their branch and college before those who they excel. A necessary point to be noted is that those students who had opt for biology as their major subject shall not be eligible to appear for their counselling. However students having subjects like vocational education shall not be ineligible given the fact that they had physics, chemistry and maths as science majors.
For making your work easy we have given the TNEA 2016 cut off calculator online in this, hence you find it by just input the subject marks in the below boxes.
Note: Enter marks in correct subject box else result of TNEA online cut off calculator may not be correct.
Along with this students are required to select the correct subject code corresponding to their respective group of subjects. Such mistakes shall not be overlooked and any loss pertaining to such mistakes shall be the responsibility of the individual himself/herself.
Other details will be released by the authorities when they feel the need to do so and it is the duty of those who aspire to get admission that they are to be updated regarding this. The counselling process will also start soon enough. Higher cut of marks will ensure a chance of better options available to the students to choose from.