TWAD recruitment is going on now for the assistant engineer vacancies that has been arisen in the civil and the mechanical department. All interested candidates are called for to apply for the post, forms are kept open in the url called Recruitment of TWAD for AE vacancies have two stages which are the written test and an interview. AE TWAD exam dates 2015 are yet to announce and it may informed through the registrant email, we will display it when tamilnadu water supply and drainage board announce it.
Who are eligible for applying?
- Candidates who holds engineering degree in civil or mechanical are eligible to apply for the appropriate posts, candidate should obtained the degree from an approved university else they may be considered as ineligible.
- It is also important that they should hold the qualification in the date of issue of notification.
- Other than the education it is necessary to have required physical fitness and the board has margined the fitness standard which is available in the official notification.
How to apply?
No forms need to send to the board as the whole process can be completed online, all just need to do is exactly
- Open the given link and choose “Apply online” link from the page, then enter correct details for the each text fields present in the page.
- Photo and signature are the files which you need to upload in the form, so finish by choosing the appropriate files.
- It is recommended to select the good clarity images because these documents are utilized in generating the hall ticket.
- Once you saved the details to server by clicking final submit you cant edit the fields so verify each fields after entering the details.
- After the completion of process keep your application no and the password save which later helpful for downloading hall ticket for which these things are mandatory.
Important dates
Last date to apply for the post – 31/10/2015
TWAD 2015 exam date [OMR written test] – not available
On last date TWAD application form submission will be discontinued at 5.45 p.m, try to avoid applying in last date and even if you don’t have time try to complete earlier.
Exam syllabus
Syllabus contains two portions and first portion is common for the both mechanical and civil engineering candidates, which is taken from the 1st year engineering subjects, 2nd portion varies for both streams which is related to the core field. File is available in below link and if you have already apply for the post then use it for preparing the subjects.
Click here for TWAD 2015 application
Click here for the syllabus